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Yoyorecreation Draupnir & Rebellion Qilin Restock!

YoYoExpert July 8, 2016 0


yoyorecreation draupnir

yoyorecreation draupnir yoyorecreation draupnir

The Draupnir is a precision machined b-metal design with a 7075 aluminum body and Stainless Steel Rims. With the rims composed of a denser metal Yoyorecreation is able to maximize rim weight without adding bulky rims. This gives the yo-yo unbelievable spin time and stability while still maintaining a low overall weight which greatly improves speed and maneuverability. Fitted with IrPad Response and an NSK DS Bearing, the Draupnir is competition ready right out of the box!

yoyorecreation draupnir



rebellion qilin yoyo rebellion qilin yoyo

The Qilin is one of the more competition oriented yo-yos in the Rebellion lineup, and if you think it has a familiar design, your right! It was modeled after the crowd favorite Yoyorecreation Sleipnir which many yo-yo players consider the quintessential competition level yo-yo!

The Qilin will give you that high end performance you’re looking for without making your wallet fear for it’s life. It has a nice soft v-shape profile that fits comfortably in the hand and moves quickly through the air. The weight distribution is set up to be relatively rim heavy with some center weight as well to give the Qilin an amazing stability and spin time without sacrificing any maneuverability.


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