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New Release! Duncan Torque!

YoYoExpert May 21, 2014 0

duncan torque

Few companies can say they have been designing yo-yos as long as Duncan. They have been creating some of the best yo-yos around since most people can remember…maybe even before you were born! Actually, maybe even before some of your parents were born! And they’re still on top of their game creating amazing yo-yos for all players from beginner to pro! The newest addition to the Duncan De-Luxxe lineup is the Torque and it definitely lives up to the legendary Duncan name!

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The Torque is a full sized V-shape yo-yo built for the modern yo-yo scene, and with a name like Torque you know this is a powerhouse of a yo-yo. Just take one look at it; the stepped V-shape, the rim focused weight distribution, the wide catch zone, and even an inner ring for finger spins – This yo-yo has everything any yo-yo player can ask for in a competition level yo-yo! And with the current World Yo-Yo Champion throwing Duncan you can say they know a thing or two about creating a competition level yo-yo!

duncan torqueduncan torque duncan torque duncan torque duncan torque

Fast, stable, and long spinning, The Torque will help you power through any freestyle routine!


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