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New from Duncan! The redesigned Origami!

YoYoExpert July 11, 2018 0


duncan origami yoyo

The original Origami was a great hit with the public and the Duncan contest team, but Duncan knew they could make it better and as Bryan Jardin evolves as a player so must his signature yo-yo! Say hello to the new and improved Origami!

duncan origami yoyo

The new Origami picks up right where the original design left off. Duncan focused on better optimizing the weight distribution with an emphasis on improving stability and spin time without sacrificing speed. It plays fast and solid on the string with a powerful spin that can withstand the hits and bumps that come with counterweight play. They also increased the length of the axle to make the design more durable which is a huge factor for any thrower.

duncan origami yoyo duncan origami yoyo

Signature yo-yo of 7-time National Champion and 2-time Asia Champion Bryan Jardin; The new Origami is built to perform at the highest level of competition!

duncan origami yoyo


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