The New YoYoJam DiamondBack 2 is th Signature yo-yo of one of our favorite players -Tylor McCallumore! Check out this amazing yo-yo along with two fantastic tutorial videos from Tylor!
YoYoJam worked with Team YoYoJam’s rising star, Tylor McCallumore or “T-Mac”, to meet his needs for even longer spin times and speed. If you aren’t familiar, T-Mac’s style is just crazy technical and he needed the longest possible spin times to pull off his ridiculously long combinations. So YoYoJam repositioned the bronze weight rings slightly, flattened the center of the aluminum and moved more weight to the outside rim. The overall shape is essentially the same maintaining it’s smooth feel and ultimate control. The result is a perfectly balanced yo-yo with incredible spinning power that will speed through Tylor’s tech combos with ease!
Along with the changes to the overall design, the DiamondBack 2 has gotten a face lift. Keeping with today’s demands for clean lines and simple design, YoYoJam removed the intricate diamond pattern. In it’s place you’ll find a very simple sleek design on the outer hub along with solid anodizing matched with a beautiful nickel-plated bronze weight ring. Such a clean crisp look!
Rise of the Titan:
Experiment 626: