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NEW YoYoFactory CYBORG Release!

YoYoExpert May 30, 2014 0

When YoYoFactory decides to create a signature yo-yo for one of their players it typically starts with an off hand comment, usually after a big contest win. But when Patrick Borgerding won the USA National Contest no comment was needed, the plan was already in motion! This is his new signature yo-yo – The Cyborg!

yyf cyborg

YoYoFactory wanted to do something big with the new Cyborg. And nothing’s bigger than working alongside World Champion Kentaro Kimura, long time friend and owner of the Japanese yo-yo company Turning Point, to create the ultimate 3A machine for Patrick! They took their time, made it local (Every stage of production was performed in the USA!) and spared no expense on the finished product. And what a finished product it is!

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The aptly named Cyborg is a freestyle machine on a string and in the hands of Patrick Borgerding it is unstoppable! It was completely designed around his unique play style and when you see it you immediately notice both the YoYoFactory and Turning Point influences in the design. With its wide catch zone, rim focused weight distribution, and smooth grind finish the Cyborg can take on any superhuman freestyle your human brain can dream up! Just watch Patrick Borgerding throw the Cyborg and you will be speechless!

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Perfect for 1A or 3A – Man, Machine, or something in between – The superior performance of the Cyborg will blow you away!


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