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New TopYo Restock! Impulse, Colossus IV, & Silenus!

YoYoExpert November 28, 2018 0


topyo silenus yoyo

Top Yo created the Silenus for those players who prefer a little comfort over a pure performance driven hard v-shape; A yo-yo that will capture the eye of the player looking for a high performance throw that doesn’t focus on pure speed.

topyo silenus yoyo

This latest version of the Silenus features a blasted body and polished ring, both machined from 7003 Aluminum, that gives it a really cool look! The Silenus offers a really comfortable shape in the hand that doesn’t skimp on performance. It has a wide stepped profile with a huge catch zone for risky whips and plenty of rim weight to maximize stability and spin time. It has a maneuverable feel on the string and holds a spin through your longest combos. Weighing in at 67.5g its on the heavier side, but the Silenus has a really pleasant smooth feel on the string that makes you want to keep on throwing.



topyo colossus 4 yoyo

The classic shape of the old Colossus was used as a base for this new design with some aspects added from the popular Silenus to create the perfect profile. It feels great in the hand with a smooth blast finish and a pleasant weight.

The new shape with the classic weight distribution brings a new play style to this Colossus. It has a powerful spin with excellent stability even at low spin speeds. TopYo even remodeled the cup with a nice fingerspin area to give the latest Colossus an added style of play!



topyo impulse yoyo

Top Yo continues to explore the advantages of 7003 aluminum with their latest release! This is the competition geared Impulse!

7003 aluminum sits right between 6061 and 7075 in terms of strength and durability, so the Impulse gives you a nice premium feel without that premium price tag. It features a step straight profile and a rim heavy weight distribution that provides excellent speed and stability in play. From the first throw you’ll feel the Impulse speed effortlessly through your fastest combos with a maneuverability that can handle quick direction changes with ease.


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