C3yoyodesign’s new Astraea – Named after the Greek Goddess of Justice! Using unique design elements from four well know C3 yoyos – Bastet, Radius, Atomic Crash, and Fingerspin – The Astraea is a new take on the contest oriented Bi-metal!
C3 started with the Bastet’s base specifications to give the Astraea a comfortable feel in the hand and excellent power on the string. They then mixed in some elements from the Fingerspin and Radius to amp up maneuverability and create an extra stable play experience. Expanding upon the weight disribution of the Atmoic Crash and using much thinner walls with the inner stainless steel rims, the Astraea has a weight distribution that provides even greater stability and minimal tilt during play.
Available in 3 simple yet striking colors with a very cool engraving and limited to only 30 pieces each. The Astraea really stands out in the C3 lineup as a fresh take on competitive yo-yo design.