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New Manufacturer – DIVERSE ANIMALS!!

YoYoExpert July 7, 2016 0


diverse animals nano

Diverse Animals was founded on Earth. They are committed to making quality hand-made yo-yos with lots of love and bringing back the human touch that is so often lacking in the world of CNC. This is the signature yo-yo of team member Patrick Condon – The Nano!

diverse animals nano diverse animals nano

Like all Diverse Animals yo-yos, the Nano is hand crafted. Diverse Animals has experience with using metal, nonmetal, and tree in crafting their yo-yos – The Nano is made from nonmetal. It is machined from Delrin, a low friction plastic, and sports the Diverse Animals aluminum SPR.

It is larger and heavier than most yo-yos on the market, but the mass has been carefully balanced. From the first throw you’ll notice nice tight binds and a smooth feel off the throw without that heavy jolt on the end of the string that some heavier throws leave you with.

diverse animals nano

While not optimal for high speed technical play, the Nano excels with smooth, flowing play styles and is a real joy to throw!



diverse animals disaster

Diverse Animals was founded on Earth. They are committed to making quality hand-made yo-yos with lots of love and bringing back the human touch that is so often lacking in the world of CNC. This is their latest release – The Disaster!!

diverse animals disaster diverse animals disaster

diverse animals disaster diverse animals disaster diverse animals disaster diverse animals disaster

Like the Nano; The Disaster is made from non-metal. It is machined from Delrin, a low friction plastic, and sports the Diverse Animals aluminum SPR.

Microbrewed with the finest flavors for the most discerning of palates, the Disaster has a really unique and fun feel. It fits comfortably in the hand and has a fast, light feel on the string. It has a beefy rim design, but doesn’t feel clunky in play as you smoothly transition from slow flowing slack to fast tech tricks.

diverse animals disaster

Hand crafted right here in the USA, the Diverse Animals Disaster will fit any style with perfect harmony!


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