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CLYW Restock! Gorge, Igloo, & Kayak!

YoYoExpert October 3, 2017 0

CLYW yoyos


Purple Ombre & Beach Party!
CLYW gorge CLYW gorge

The Gorge is a powerful, long-spinning throwback to the days of return top design when walls were high, profiles were round, and bi-metal designs were scarce. This is exactly the sort of return top that CLYW owner Chris Mikulin absolutely loved when he was first starting out, and now he’s created one with his own style and design sensibilities!



Peacebone, Arctic Fade, & Lime Sherbet!

CLYW igloo CLYW igloo CLYW igloo

CLYW owner Chris Mikulin designed the Igloo in close collaboration with Michael Kurti to give him a say in the design every step of the way. Michael worked with Chris to gather up his favorite aspects of CLYW design and the end result is what Kurti says is the best yo-yo he has ever thrown, hands down!

As Michael’s tricks have been growing longer and more complicated, he needed equipment that could handle his new concepts and direction. He brainstormed with Chris, came up with some ideas of what he wanted in a yo-yo, and landed on what you see before you – The Igloo! This yo-yo has a beautiful BVM2 inspired profile fused with a powerful bi-metal design to really push the weight distribution and allow for the longest spinning, most stable return top possible within Michael Kurti’s preferred specs.



Arctic Fade & Mystic Blue!
CLYW kayak CLYW kayak

CLYW is excited to announce the Kayak! This is the first CLYW return top for 2x World Champion and all around yo-yo great – Yuuki Spencer!

The shape of the Kayak is classic CLYW with organic curves and a comfortable feel in the hand. The stepped profile creates a nice wide catch zone and the CLYW signature double-rim design brings out that unique floaty feeling that CLYW fans know and love. It has a fingerspin friendly flat hub and minimal engravings for a nice clean look.


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