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YoYoFactory EDGE and NIGHTMARE Restock!

YoYoExpert March 14, 2017 0


yoyofactory edge

The Edge is the signature yo-yo for 2016 PNWR 1A Champion and the latest addition to the YoYoFactory team – Evan Nagao! Evan is a really standout performer, everything from his tricks, to his movements, to his killer Hawaiian shirts is unique and sets him apart from the crowd and we couldn’t be happier to see him get a signature model!

yoyofactory edge yoyofactory edge yoyofactory edge

When YoYoFactory started working with Evan to create his yo-yo, they were pleasantly surprised. Evan didn’t have any set idea of what his yo-yo would look like, no dimensions or weight or preset specs, he just knew how he wanted it to play and feel. YoYoFactory went to work, translated what Evan was looking for into a tangible design, and after a few tweaks the Edge was born!



yoyofactory nightmare

The YoyoFactory Nightmare is one of the first bi-metal designs with a overhanging steel rim, they didn’t just slap a steel ring on the yo-yo, they wrapped it over the edge and down to create maximum spin stability and capture more rotational energy. This steel rim placement gives the Nightmare a really beautiful weight distribution and an amazingly fast and stable feel in play. It allows this light weight yo-yo to perform with the power of a much heavier yo-yo and creates the ability for the player to move faster through trick segments!

yoyofactory nightmare yoyofactory nightmare


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