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YoYoDrive 2011 – Charity YoYo Donation.

YoYoExpert December 17, 2011 0

A message from the Moebius master Zammy:

Hey there everyone, Zammy here.

I usually do not post on the yoyo forums anymore but when I do it seems that people tend to listen, so here I am to speak about the Yoyodrive. Don’t know what the Yoyodrive is? Lets speak about it for a bit.

A number of years ago, in 2007, I had this spur of the moment idea of spreading out the love of yoyoing while also combining that concept with the love of charity giving.This spur of the moment craze to try and get money caused me to sell so many of my personal yoyos. I took that sum of currency and spoke to a Major Yoyo company to see if they sold in bulk format for their throws. At the time it was Yoyojam. They sold me various Projams and I took them to two different Christmas Charity programs in my area. A good month later I recieved a letter letting me know every single yoyo was taken and given to a child.

The following years ahead until 2011 proved to be as not as satisfactory compared to 2007. In 2008 I had the idea to create a signature mod yoyo and whatever amount of money I had I would buy bulk yoyos to donate, sadly they did not sell as good as I had hoped. 2009 came it was a bit sucessful where I bought Duncan Mosquitoes in a giant plastic tub and donated them through Toys for Tots. 2010 was the worst of the years I have committed myself to do this because I was more focused on my family and myself. Sounds selfish eh?

Its no doubt that the economy is serving a unpleasant welcoming for this coming holidays as even more parents are losing their jobs and money is scarce. Parents will have a hard time to try and be able to get gifts for the tree. So for this year, I decided to take initiative just like how I did in 2007. I tried to email a number of companies but the only one that replied back in a fast manner was Yoyofactory to which they supplied me with a number of Yoyofactory Ones/Pr1mes to Donate.

I’m also using the money to buy a good sum of food/clothing for the various pantries/drop offs this year in my area. So many people need help, so someone has to step up!

I just figure I would share this with you all. I hope some other people out there are doing something similar that is yoyo related.

We all can make a difference.


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