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BAC, Bombsquad Party, and new @YoYoFactory!

YoYoExpert May 26, 2012 0

YoYoExpert landed in San Francisco late last night and spent the day today checking out San Francisco!

The BAC location is totally EPIC – stage looks amazing!

BACYoYo YoYoExpert

Bomb Squad Party was packed! They couldn’t fit more people in Illest even if they wanted to! In this picture they were raffling off $100 gift certificate to YoYoExpert! Some lucky people in that crowd!

Bomb Squad illest

Ben McPhee showed off the new ONE-Star – think ONE meets ProtoStar – $15 retail they have tomorrow.


Another picture up close:
One Star

Avant Garde 2 made its debut too and looks as good as it plays. You are going to want to try these!
Avant Garde 2

More updates coming soon!


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