Recreational Revolution is a California based company which focuses on creating high quality yo-yos at reasonable prices. A first from this company and in the world of 2A, the Reverb is a delrin manufactured looping yo-yo.
Delrin is a high tech plastic used in mechanical and electrical engineering, and several delrin butterfly yo-yos are already on the market. However, this is the first time its amazing durability and stability has been brought to the world of looping yo-yos. The Reverb is aptly named; we can only hope that the implications of this revolutionary design will reverberate throughout the 2A world.
The RecRev Reverb is a yo-yo built to last: it has a solid body without delicate caps to pop off, and durable steel threads which are also interchangeable. The Reverb features a hollowed out inner wall, to reduce friction during sleep, and starburst inspired pads that protrude from the inner wall, giving the Reverb an excellent response.