Chris from CLYW just made an all new post that can be viewed at the Caribou Lodge YoYoWorks blog.
Highlights we quoted from the post:
We all found out (shockingly) that Jensen Kimmitt joined YoYoFactory and freestyled at the CA State Yo-Yo Championships using the ProtoStar. Chris clears up any confusion and people should understand while Jensen left it has more to do with the opportunity and less to do with CLYW product:
Well I guess I should start with some unfortunate news. If you haven’t already heard – it is true – Jensen Kimmitt has moved on to join YoYoFactory. I’m really excited for him and this new opportunity he will have. It will open some doors and help him get in the direction he wants his yoyo career to go in. Jensen definitely did not leave on any bad terms. We’ll always be good friends and I’m just sooo thankful that I was able to support him in his yoyoing for this long.
Even without Jensen the Wooly Marmot Lives on (Thank you Jensen!!!)
Okay just in case you were worried, the Wooly Marmot will not be going anywhere. We’re still planning to make them as Jensen doesn’t want this yoyo to disappear. We just won’t be putting his name on the box anymore. I have a run of Fool’s Gold Mamrots that will be going to the anodizer soon, so keep an eye on our blog for more info on their release and where you might find them.
Upcoming BRAND NEW Product Releases!!!
The first run of Gnarwhals just came off the machine. I’ll be sending them to the anodizer shortly. We’re starting with only 150. The first 75 will come with a limited edition print combining the Gnarwhal and Sasquatch by Jensen Kimmitt and Duncan Crew member Paul Escolar. We’ll try to follow them with a run of Alex Berenguel’s Signature yoyo, the Sasquatch, as quickly as we can. The first 75 of these will also be coming with the limited edition print. EXCITING!!!
The all new CHIEF yo-yo:
Then for our next new release we have planned is the Chief, which is going to be our “nipple-free” yoyo.
More of the classic CLYW product we all love and want?
We’re still planning to produce more of Boyd’s signature yoyo the Bear vs Man as well as a couple runs of signature Edition Peaks for Elliot, Adam and Krisztian. So lots of fun stuff in the works, we just need to get it all done.
Thanks Chris and Caribou Lodge – looking forward to all the new stuff!

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