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2012 YoYoExpert Bay Area Classic Recap!

YoYoExpert May 31, 2012 2

The 2012 Bay Area classic this past weekend was huge! The venue was epic and the players went big. Just check out this stage:

BAC 2012 YoYoExpert

Huge crowds too – lots of excitement:

BAC 2012 Crowd

YoYoExpert was there supporting the event with something different. We ran our ‘Best Trick Contest’ filming anyone who had a trick to show us in front of our new banners! We are editing the videos as we speak and will be posting a video showcasing all the tricks with winners announced soon after the video release.

Check out Tyler Severance doing his best trick (video soon!)

YoYoExpert Best Trick contest

YoYoExpert Trading Cards were also a huge hit. Ann Connolly was definitely most popular for getting an autograph!


Lots of YoYoExpert fans stopped by for pictures and to hang out and talk yo-yos (our favorite thing to do!) André stands with a group of yo-yo players!

YoYoExpert Andre Fans

Vendors were there too including Duncan, YoYoStringLab, and YoYoFactory!


Special thanks goes to to the organizers – Johnnie DelValle, Stu Branoff, Paul Escolar, and Nathan Crissey!
(Pictured is Johnnie DelValle on right and Paul Escolar in back. Matt Fernandez is also one of the great judges there on the left!)
2012 BAC Organizers

Top two in Single A were surprisingly both Mexican players! Team YoYoFactory’s Paul Kerbel and Luis Villasenor were 1st and 2nd! Pictured here with Isaac Kanarek who runs the Mexican Yo-Yo Scene and YoYoFactory’s Ben McPhee!

Winners 2012 BAC

4A and 3A went to Bryan Figuroa and Alex Hattori of Team YoYoJam. Not pictured is Tyler Severance who won 5A and Patrick Mitchell who won 2A (Both YoYoFactory):
4A and 3A Winners BAC

And a big SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Dave Bazan who originally started BAC. Without him it wouldn’t be what it is today. Had a huge impact on yo-yoing long run too! Here is Dave with his son JJ. Dave is actually starting his own store in Idaho so if you are in that area definitely show your support!

Dave-Bazan YoYo

Our booth setup – we focused on yo-yo apparel, bags, accessories, and trading cards at BAC this year!

YoYoExpert Booth

And here is the whole YoYoExpert crew (the people normally behind the scenes here) that traveled out to help run our best trick contest and our booth! From Left to Right we have Garrett, André, Dev, and Matt!

YoYoExpert Crew

Huge THANKS to everyone who came to the contest and said hello – we love you all! We seriously have the best customers in the world! Next contest you will find us at is the 2012 Indiana State Yo-Yo Contest on June 9th!



  1. Alex May 31, 2012 at 5:15 pm -

    Great photos guys.

  2. Benno4u2 June 2, 2012 at 11:26 am -

    I want to see best trick !

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