Eli Hops

Yo-Yo Trick

The next trick we are going to do today is called Eli Hops. It?s a cool trick and it takes a little bit of practice but it is not as complicated as some of the string tricks we were just doing. It?s worth doing because it helps get you consecutive in the string and its cool looking. When you get on the stage and do this people will really like this move. I am actually going to kneel on the ground because I need a little more room from the ceiling. Let me show you what it looks like. Eli Hops is this, you land it onto the string, you shoot the yo-yo up and catch it back on the string like so. You want to try and touch your hands together so that you get the maximum amount of height, like so. It's a cool trick, it launches the yo-yo all the way up the string and you just basically catch it again. Start with the trapeze, you bring you hands together just like the mount we were working on before you pull them apart very fast and this is what launches the yo-yo up into the air. So, start from the trapeze, no watch as I pull my hands apart and it launches the yo-yo up and it goes all the way up into the air. Let me show you again. It goes all the way up and you just basically pull your throw hand backwards, it kind of pulls the yo-yo back down to the earth and back towards the string. If you keep your hand straight and keep the yo-yo strings straight lined up with it as you pull back that hand the yo-yo should come pretty straightforward. Now you'll notice even I'm missing this a few times. It's a hard trick and it's one that takes a lot of practice to get right. It is definitely worth it and if you pull your string back like that you?re definitely more likely to hit it. The closer you bring the yo-yo to your finger again to is going to help. If you?re trying to catch it all the way over there, you might not catch it every time. So the closer you can bring that yo-yo to your finger you?re going to be hitting it more often. If you can do it three times in a row, that is the competition trick Eli Hops. Catch it, return to your hand, and you have done the trick. Practice that, watch the video, and good luck.

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