Yoyorecreation Draupnir Review UPDATE 2016-07-20

Vibe… Just happens to be something that to a certain degree is just subject to individual interpretation.

No doubt that some of us are more: aware, tuned into, and or more sensitive to ‘what we identify as vibe’.

Regardless; dead smooth is not a term very often used to identify yoyos.

.The smoothest Yoyo I have… Or The smoothest Yoyo I have ever thrown… Or I doubt any Yoyo is smoother than this… Or How much smoother can a Yoyo be?.. Or ?..?

Dead smooth is more often used to describe a yoyos’ lack of apparent ‘vibe’ based primarily on the speakers personal experience and exposure to whatever number of yoyos; no more.

Dead smooth is what makers most likely strive to achieve. But more difficult to achieve or consistently achieve using standard production Machineshop practices.

Even the smoothest Yoyo models may not be consistently smooth; even within the same batch.

Very obvious when you recognize that the various Yoyo Makers try to screen(test) every single Yoyo before shipping out🤔

They only make smooth yoyos and They only sell smooth yoyos are two entirely different things🤓

Consider One Drop… Everything pretty much done ‘in house’. David and Shawn have absolute control over every aspect of their yoyos. They don’t have to go down the street with their fingers crossed. They are on top of every phase of production from material procurement to boxing up outgoing stock.
.The results are high levels of accurately formed and functional yoyos. <That is just one example.

All my Draupnirs have been Excellent. And my Dazzler is an Amazing Yoyo. Realize that the only reason I paid ‘full tilt’ for the Dazzler was because I didn’t know anybody that would loan me one. And I just had to see what I would think about it. I have a Sputnik that cost me about a third of the price and plays better and smoother ‘to me’.

I just feel that ‘Dead Smooth’ is more often used to identify 1 seriously smooooooth Yoyo. And not a Description used to describe every Yoyo within a certain model.

And if a certain model or batch is pretty darn vibe free; it is more often the result of high quality control😳 And less about a possible miracle design.

My current Draupnir is a Great playing Yoyo.

It is not Dead Smooth. And that does not bother me one bit.

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