A question about Monkey snot response

I found this too. But its not a bad thing, If its over filled, than a little waste at the beginning is OK, its not really a loss. But I know what you mean, to get it started, isnt the easiest. Ive never had it “click” into place, but only the very first application is a little weird. It smooth out alot after that.

The black is by design. It keeps UV out, keeping it protected and not faded by light exposure. Same with the storage/packaging bag. After you are done, wipe off the nozzle, (as you found out) leave the plunger in place, screw the tip back on, put it back in the bag and store for about 6 months or so in the fridge. after that it seems to get thicker and harder to use.

I usually give mine about 12-14 hours before playing. I suppose longer is better, but ive never had a problem. Money snot is far and away my favorite response. I use it for nearly all of my throws.

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