One Drop Marquis: A High Speed YoYo Review

Yo-Yo unboxing is not a glamourous thing; in fact it is pretty monotonous as far as our hobby is concerned. We already know what we purchased or traded for when we decide to pick up our model of choice. The closest thing to a WOW! moment is when you get to see the splash for the first time, and even most times the splash is revealed before opening the box thanks to the manufacturers putting cut outs on their boxes that show off the yo-yo inside. One Drop is looking to add some spice to the whole unboxing process with their latest yo-yo, the Marquis. With the Marquis there are 14 different variants, seven solid color variants, four splash variants, one nickel plated variant, and one variant machined out of titanium. Each variant comprises a fraction of that 400 total Marquis run (e.g. there are only five titanium Marquis in the entire run). Here is the kicker, the buyer does not get to choose what they purchased. Instead they purchase a blind, sealed box and hope for the best. To keep everyone, including the retailers, honest there is a second layer to the blind strategy. Each yo-yo is heat sealed in an opaque, foil bag before going in the box. I will admit, when I got my Marquis in for review I was excited to tear into the box and see what I got. While the box opening thrill is extremely cool, it is fleeting and will not mean much if the yo-yo itself is horrible. With that being said, it is time to turn our attentions from the foil bag to the contents within.

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Nice of you to do a review before the worldwide release. I’m sure everyone appreciates it. This blind box deal is the coolest thing ever. Its so exciting and I hope that at least one or two people who couldn’t afford a titanium get one. Either way its a limited throw from a great company so its well worth $50 and you have a 1 in 80 chance of hitting the yoyo lottery.

Thank you for this review. I purchased one at NER last weekend, I thought the same thing – this yoyo, while being smaller than the current norm, plays like a full size yoyo. Once again, I thought your review nailed it.

Also, Outsider, I believe your odds have gone up slightly, to the best of my knowledge, no one at NER received a Ti Marquis, and, I haven’t seen any news on the web about anyone getting one of those ‘titanium tickets’. (how cool would it be if the 5 Ti purchasers also got a trip to One Drop the way the Golden Ticket finders were able to visit the Wonka factory?)

Yes! That would be awesome!

I believe there is a typo, and you meant “won’t” instead of “will”?

I know everybody assumes 6061 unless otherwise stated, but I wish specs included that info.

Thanks for another great review!

Good catch, there should have been a “not” in there.

It is 6061 as are all One Drops unless specifically stated otherwise. If One Drop ever does this again on a future model, I hope they add a 7075 variant and maybe a blast finish variant to the mix.

True. I literally lol’d at that wonka reference but it would be awesome and it couldnt hurt to have a better understanding of this hobby. Might classify myself as a yoyo junky after I left but I’m OK with that.

I think I’m convinced. There’s 2 colors I’m not in love with, but I’ve only got a 1/20 shot at getting one, so I think I’m just going to go for it.

I always enjoy reading your reviews Robyn. I went ahead and ordered 2 (my wife was like “hey you said one!”). You and One Drop are a bad influence on my wallet.

Haha. I trusted in the yoyo gods and only took one. Thought I should leave some to spread the joy. :sunglasses: I’m looking forward to throwing it. The specs have it squarely in my sweet zone! And if I hit the Ti lotto, all the better.