Would Hot Glue melt the plastic on a 3d printed yoyo?

I think the axles I have won’t fit in the yoyo so I was gonna glue it. Yes, I know 3d printing a yoyo is a bad idea, I’m just trying it to get a feel of the 3d design/ engineering world because that’s what I’m looking to start studying, so I thought I’d start with a yoyo.

Not knowing the type of plastic it’s hard to say, but probably not. Why don’t you make some simple object out of the same stuff and put some hot glue on it to see what happens.

It costs a $ to print, didn’t want to spend more, but you’re right I should probably do that. Thanks jhb!

If you look up the temperature of the material you are printing the yoyo out of melts, For example PLA is 180-190. ABS is around 220-240. Then look up the temperature of the hot glue gun, if it is within the melting range then I would say yeah.

Yep, I check the PVC has to be heated up to 212°C for it to melt, not exactly sure a hot glue gun can do that. So I think I’m safe.

sounds interesting i want to see how you did it.

when i tried i just machined holes for nuts to go on the yoyo halves.

3D printing a yoyo isn’t stupid!

The place I’m getting it printed at is stalling so I’ll have pics tomorrow

How much are they charging you? If 3Dhubs is pretty good.

Only $3. Which is pretty good, but I still haven’t gotten it, one of the downsides of going cheap I guess. No biggie though because it’s only 3



Here’s pics. Just picked it up

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

how’s it play?

It’s very light, gonna have to put some weight rings in it, and it’s actually smaller than I expected so ironically I can’t get the axle out because it’s so tightly put in there and the bearing seat is a little small too, so vibey but still fun :slight_smile:

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

$3 a yoyo, each half, or per certain period of time?

Certain period of time: 1 hour = $1

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

thats a very light plastic… you can get heavier plastics but it requires a stronger printer for that.

Not true, no such thing as a stronger printer, depending on if he is using an FFF filament printer i might just be a matter of printing with a higher fill rate. Or with some exotic aluminum filament I have a printer myself so if you have any questions let me know.

Use a higher % fill to get better density. Going to 100% fill means you can make a 54mm-ish yoyo that’s in the right weight range. If you want to get something with a very specific weight distribution, you can also model the empty space yourself and then print in 100% fill, like Fluid Print Dynamics did here: https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10959663_333592566829523_407347054563731523_n.jpg?oh=e1457fb1a5d1f7c4ec193d2621bf6436&oe=57BFDDC7