(Some of) My fixed-axle collection



Hildy Bros.

No Jives

These yo-yos absolutely rock. What is the age range here, i.e. dates of manufacture?


These are all from the last few years (5 or so?)except for a couple of the no-jives from the 90’s. I have a bunch of older fixies too but didn’t take any pictures of them. These are just my players, except for that awesome Higby\Hildy Currier which I had to show off :).

Wow, those look fantastic, thanks for sharing. How do you like the move to woodthread axles for TMBR?

I just added a 2015 Baldwin and a cherry JFF to my collection last weekend at Virginia States. That new Baldwin is my new favorite!

I was a fan of the old style axle system. It allowed more tweaking to get the response how I liked it. I also have more unscrewing issues with the new axles.