Need your help! :) Thanks!

Alright! Hey! How are you? Nice to meet you! :slight_smile:
Anyway, I am just starting to get back into Kendama, yet I am still a beginner! I can do things such as Ken Flips, Airplanes, Earth Rotations, you know, the basics. But I need a Kendama that I can truly learn on, and I would love to know what you think is the best one I can go for! I would like to stay $30.00 and under, but if I have to I’ll go higher.
I would like a Kendama that is easy to balance with, easy to learn with, and most of all, FUN TO USE! :slight_smile: So please help me out and tell me what you think I should buy! Thanks so much!

                      -Jordan Yo-Yo'Brien

I started with a neon kendama usa they are pretty fine to start with
I also use a kendama usa pro model it is pretty and has a lil weight but I like the feel of it.
and a sweets kendama stained it they are pretty awsome

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A sweets pro model is amazing, that’s my current go to… Second is my galaxy blue ozora.

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