What trick are you working on?

There are two basic tricks that I have neglected…

Suicides and Brent Stoles

For suicides, I just don’t have a good method down insert nerd emoji and I’m unsure of where to keep my eye focused in order to complete the catch - do I follow the loop of string all the way as it rotates around the yoyo from the release to the catch or should I keep an eye focused more on the very end of the loop or…? The way I’m practicing them is to do a double-on 1.5 mount to suicide (those are fun) then a normal suicide from trapeze followed by suicide from iron whip - if I can get this consistent this will be my little suicide combo.

For brent stoles, I used to be able to do them better. Probably overthinking it now because I’m too focused on the mechanics of the trick because maybe it needs to be more intuitive - just a timing thing that will get sorted out with practice and trial and error. It’s the whole part where the loop flips around the string to form the triangle that I am not timing correctly (like uh… that’s the whole trick, right? aha)

Time to put in the work and get these consistent.