What's your rarest yoyo?


Another pic to come soon, I don’t have everything that I’d like to photograph with me right now.

  • MFD ano’ed Lio
  • Red and yellow speckle over black Chia Sleipnir
  • Jason Wong ano’ed Dreadnought
  • Retro Rewind D Skywalker
  • Unengraved fully blue essence (not sure how rare but I was told it was, 1 of the 3 maybe, Totalartist?)
  • Hulk Smash and Berry berry Peaks
  • Unengraved green Majesty

And I have some others that I will include in the photos in the next few days.

All no damage!

…and the Dri-YWET that Joe mentioned.

Thanks for the kind words guys, the feelings are indeed mutual :slight_smile: You enjoying that hattrick Totalartist?

Matt I want your 54 and your Avalanche. Now.