Diverse Animals

The Diverse Animals R&D team has been hard at work to realize this dream. Regardless of the risks involved, we feel that our audience is an important factor to consider in the design and production process. As a small company, constantly at awe with the scale of our surroundings, it is the dreamers that can give us our footing in our mission to deliver.

Introducing the Diverse Animals ‘Bering Sea Too’:

As you can see, the Diverse Animals R&D team has been hard at work creating the latest technology. This time we are bringing back the transaxle, but with a twist! We started with a steel transaxle, but were appalled by the screeching against the steel axle. Then we added a second transaxle outside of the first because that’s how incremental development works. You just add one to everything.

Speaking of adding things…yo-yoers like sleep time, so we wanted to add some of that to the ingredients list too. This made us increment even harder until we came up with an idea. Why add just one transaxle to our transaxle? So in addition to the transaxle within the transaxle, we added eight more tiny transaxles in between the previously mentioned two. Finally, we added dust covers to keep the little transaxles inside and the outsides outside.

This design is truly innovative and potentially game changing. Because if there’s one thing you can count on Diverse Animals for providing, it’s rationality.

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