First top

In my humble opinion, if you just want to throw a top on the floor and watch it spin, a fixed tip is better because it will “self correct” - it will walk around the floor until it stabilizes with it’s axis straight up and down. Bearing tips won’t do that. They will stand still and rotate like a gyroscope.

The basis of most tricks is the boomerang. Fixed and bearing tips Boomerang just the same. BUT once you’ve Boomeranged or Skyrocketed the top into your hand, you have to learn to stabilize it. Becasue the bearing tip spins longer in your hand, it’s easier to learn to stabilize than the fixed tip - it just gives you more time to learn. Once you’ve learned to stabilize it, you can do either kind, because they both stabilize the same way in your hand. From there it just becomes a matter of which tricks you want to learn to do, “fixed tip” tricks or “bearing tip” tricks.

Again, this is just my opinion…