How to make a Yo-Yo video better.

First off, this is completely off-topic. And just as all our yoyos, this is juts preference. And to point out, Windows is the most used program. And I have even more to point out. A mac-mini has the mac OS, but other computers at the same price have better specs. Then i mean bigger and stronger processors etc, more discspace etc.

And again, this is just preference. This is like me making a post saying that everyone here is a loser because they are not eating Super-Shok Flakx (mmm). Not only is this getting off topic, but this is also getting offending. I suggest taking a look at the forum rules.

It also says something about grammar and spelling. DrSqueakers, this is your own language, I felt like you should know that.

And finally, you can get a lot of editing programs for Windows, not just Movie Maker. And you can also play in your own music using music editing programs and so on. Please don’t hate Windows when you don’t know what you can do with it.