
Yo-Yo Trick

The zipper. This is another great trick. It goes off the sleeper. It looks like this. Throw a strong sleeper, land the yo-yo into the string. Instead of doing a brain twister, because this a brain twister mount, you actually come off and stick your thumb out. Let me show you that again. Brain twister mount, comes around, and stick your thumb out like so. You take your throw hand, pulls over like that, and it comes underneath. Let me just show you this trick in full motion here. Looks like this. It's kind of like a smooth cool looking trick with a little practice. Again, brain twister mount, bring your hand underneath. It comes over and you actually stick your thumb out. It comes over the string like that. As the yo-yo is swinging around, it comes over your thumb. It kind of looks like a backwards trapeze over your thumb if you don't pull your string over right a way. Start like that. You take your throw hand and you bring it around your thumb. It comes right around like so. Then you swing the yo-yo around again, and then you land off bringing over your pointer finger again. Just go back into a brain twister mount. That's the entire trick. Let me show you one more time here. Brain twister mount, you unthread it like you're going to dismount, but you land it over on your thumb instead. Bring your throw hand over your thumb, swing it again, swing it over your pointer, and then bring your hand underneath back into a brain twister mount. When you put this all together, it starts looking pretty smooth. The trick itself goes like this. Brain twister mount, up, over, thumb, up, over, and thumb like so. Practice that and you're good to go. The zipper.

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