
I have actually never thought of Amplified Return Tops as ART, always as Amplified Return Tops, or Amplified. The “laws” for names technically don’t cross international borders, unless said company is registered in the other countries as well. Why you can’t open a restaurant called McDonalds in Canada, because they are registered in Canada, etc. Names also don’t apply if they are in a different market. Technically you could open a sandwich shop and call it “Amplified Return Tops Sandwiches” and be free and clear mostly.

I know there are people that take issues with ‘Amplified Return Tops’ as a name as much as a-RT as a name.

And yes, you could start a drone company DGI. DJI is actually “Dà-Jiāng Innovations Science and Technology Co.” So if you wanted to create a drone company and call it DGI Drones you’d be ok possibly. Now if you called it DGI, but the actual business name was ‘Dà-Giāng Innovations Science and Technology Co.’, or ‘Dà-Giāng Innovations Science’ then you would have a problem. Now if DJI wanted to come after you they’d need to prove that you were purposely going after their name. But if your name was David George Ingram, and that’s what you were using for the initials, or something similar that had to do with you, or had nothing to do with going after DJI you’d be ok.

Could go around and around on this topic, but in the end it’s going to come down to personal views on the ART vs. a-RT(a/rt) matter.