Beginning of Spirit Bomb

The first pop is easier so I wouldn’t skip it, at least not at first. Once you have it down skipping may make learning the second part faster, but either way you’ll have to do the first part to get the trick.

A lot of people will probably disagree with me on this, but on the second pop try letting the yoyo hit the palm of your throw hand. That may sound like bad advice, but hear me out. The biggest part of the triangle is where you separate the strings with your throw hand. The farther away from your hand, the smaller the triangle gets. If you try to land the yoyo dead center of the triangle, you’re giving yourself a smaller landing zone. This increases the likelihood of landing it on the left or right string. However by “banking” it off your throw hand, you ensure the yoyo dunks in as close to the wide area of the triangle as possible. As long as you center that side, it should hit the middle string.

Now this is not how to do the trick long term. I noticed while learning the trick that when I “accidentally” hit my hand the yoyo landed more frequently. It’s more like training wheels than anything. Once you get more comfortable with the trick, you’ll start landing the yoyo in the center of the triangle without hitting anything.

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