Yoyofriends Pioneer: A High Speed YoYo Review

The life of a yo-yo reviewer is not all that glamorous. We do not get to keep every yo-yo we review, not by a long shot. Quite a bit of the time, I purchase the yo-yos myself for review and then trade or sell them off to get more yo-yos to review. Sometimes, I will approach a company and ask them if I can borrow a yo-yo for review and then send it back, and sometimes companies will pop up and ask me if I would like to review a new product of theirs. The last case is what happened with today’s review of the Pioneer. Yoyofriends is a brand new company based in China with a new yo-yo to market. The Pioneer is designed by company owner Jacky Huang, who brings ten years of machining experience to this new project. As we know, machining experience does not necessarily translate to making a quality yo-yo, so it is time to see if this new start up is to the task at hand.

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