anyone yoyo in vancouver plus where to buy strings??

ANyone yoyo’s in vancouver?! and do you guys know any where i can restock on strings, dont really want to spend 11 bucks for delivery for a 5 dollar string :DD

You could make your own string. You can find many YouTube vids on how. Supplies are either common household items or are cheap.

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

I doubt that shipping is $11 for string unless there’s a premium being in Canaduh.

i tried on this website and for a 1.50 string its also 11 dollars for the delivery

Reddit has a map of throwers --in the throwers reddit. They should know.
There is also a prominent yoyo store in Canadia that should have better shipping.
I don’t think it’s really competitive with YYE in this case sense they are in different countries, but you are not supposed to link to other stores.