What yoyo should i get?

I have been yoyoing for a few years now and want to get into more advanced tricks. I have recently noticed that my yoyo doesn’t sleep as long as it should nor does it work too well (broken it a bit :().

I have thought about getting either A YYF Shutter or a “The Big Dipper”.

I would like to know if:
A) The yoyos mentioned are any good?
B) Have you got any reccomendations for a new yoyo? I’m looking for a Metal unresponsive one. Any ideas?

EDIT: When looking at the shutter it looks a bit pricey so is there any yoyos similar to it but no expensive?

Thanks in advance

  • Pixel

For just getting into advanced tricks, I recommend anything from Yoyofficer (one of my personal favorites from them is the Imp). And just a heads up The Big Dipper is not a metal yoyo, it’s polycarbonate.

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I’d recommend C3 Imagine Breaker, or Railgun if you like a “faster” yoyo, only about $40, I never doubt C3 quality.

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I know about the polycarbonate is was my only choice for a plastic yoyo.

However I have decided to get the IMP however i would like to know what kind of lube is needed, thick, thin? (I’ve never needed to use lube before)

Thick lube is if you want a more responsive yoyo (usually in 2A)
Thin lube is for completely unresponsive play.

IG: j_yo_nah