Brent Stole Tips

So I’ve been stuck on this trick for a long time. For some reason, I am only able to hit it once in a blue moon, so I was just wondering if anyone had any tips to help me get more consistent and also hitting it in general. Thanks a lot and have a great day :smiley:

Make a bigger swinging motion than you think you need. While doing the whip, move your NTH back about an inch and move your throwhand forward 6-12 inches. You can also curl in your NTH pointer as you’re catching the loop.


This video may help with landing it consistently.  It was just released in '16 on JTV and YouTube.

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Another thing, bring your throwhand up and forward. It helps a ton, I could not land one, and then when I lived my hand up I got it on my second or third try.

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This trick feels great to hit and especially to get it down consistent. There were a few things that helped me which took practice and trial and error to figure out. Make sure the gap between your body and the yoyo is big enough to allow for a nice wide hoop. Then I learned that I’d often mess up the loop and end up in a laceration trapeze instead of a GT by getting my dumb finger caught up wrong in the string. It helped me to watch the string fully materialize into the hoop I wanted before plucking the string with my finger. Last bit of advice I could give you is to work on the motion used to create the loop, using the whole movement of your arm to increase the arc of the string.

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