Favorite throw W/ brief desc.

What’s your favorite throw? Why do you like it? I’ll start:

YYF Replay Pro: Fun, stable, long spinning, and less painful for those accidental binds.

alter ego.

its fun peppy and like your favorite pair of sweat pants… just comfy to wear and throw.

YYF One Star B-Grade

Super fun despite: vibes, isn’t very smooth, doesn’t look all that good, but can still knock out almost any trick with it and throw it at a wall and still continue that combo!


Favorite Throw
Favorite Thrower
Favorite Name
Favorite Performance

More reasons but that’s it for now

Axis Pulsefire, fast, stable, solid.

Titanium Dream (Unique) Long spin time, stable, light, fast. Lots of fun to throw.
(Thank you YoYoDoc)


Fav colorway (Lost in Space)
Longest sleeper in my arsenal (with Terrapin X ceramic)
Most resistant to tilting at lower RPMs
Super comfy in the hand
Most difficult hunt for me, so special in that regard.

MonkeyfingeR Design Gelada 2

Nice and comfortable shape
has a good weight; not too light and not too heavy imo
the one yoyo that has that perfect width and also gap width that i really like
the bead blast makes it feel super smooth in the hand

YYF Horizon, though with a few questions.
I got my Horizon a few months ago, and it was when I was still pretty bad (well, worse than I am now) so I dropped it a few times, though I should mention it was only at max 2-3 times. I didn’t realize it at first, but there was this wobbly look to the yoyo when I threw it. I don’t actually know what “vibe” is supposed to look like so I can’t actually tell if this is vibe or not. Also, There’s what seems to be a protruding bump smack-dab in the middle of the fingerspin area. The size of the bump looks like it’s the size of the diameter of the axis… is it possible for the axis to somehow make a visible dent on an aluminum yoyo? Are these common issues for the Horizon? I still really like the Horizon but now I’m rather disappointed at the idea that it’s not playing at the optimum playability everyone seems to be complementing this yoyo for.

Didn’t you post this elsewhere? I’ve never had a Horizon, but a bump on the cup doesn’t sound good, may I ask how you dropped it? If it hit hard enough on the side the axle might’ve bent the cup. I’m not sure though. Is it bent on both sides? And I have the vibe on my Replay Pro, I’ve beaten the crap out of it, bent the axle took chunks out of the sides, ect. Is the wobble sort of like a heartbeat? Smooth, then wobble, then smooth, then wobble, then smooth, then wobble… I can’t really add much more with out some more detail. But to keep this thread on topic, we could PM about it.

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I can’t believe I missed this! I literally posted a crappier version of this thread from my cellphone.

(mods feel free to delete my thread on this)

My current favorite throw is my Anti-yo Vizalia.


It plays awesome! The finish on it is killer.

I love the Mil-spec anodizing.

I got it direct from the man, Sonny Patrick.

The simplicity of the black and grey with red side effects looks so classy.

Haha, make sure your Sovereign doesn’t get jealous! And who said it was crappy? It’s got a PICTURE man! PICTURES! ;D

Sorry, but what’s PM? This is the first time I’ve been to a forum before.

It’s a Private Message, you can just tap on a person’s name and you should be able to send them a PM.

Markmont Classic… perfect fit for my play style.

i didn’t know saintrobyn could be this brief…

I have my moments. :wink: