Magic Drop!!!!

I have been trying the magic drop for months. My problem isn’t the rejection, it’s something else. Every time I attempt, it lands on the outside string. It never lands on the inside string. I have seen people land on the outside string and dismount, but my string becomes a knotted mess. Suggestions?

Magic drop can be done on the outside or the inside string.
It doesnt matter unless you are doing a trick the requires you to land on the inside string.
And when you dismount try popping it up.

Will try

I tried popping it out. I t gave me some messed up trapeze that knots when I drop out of it. What should I do now?

There are a few different angles of the trick on this video I’m not sure where you are losing the catch without seeing the trick. You may try landing the Magic Drop closer to your throw hand side. The other thing that I notice is that the throw hand stays mostly stationary when landing the Magic Drop. I hope it helps.

I’ll post video tomorrow.