I sharpied a spinning yoyo..... its a awsome finish.

It looks cool to me. I used a bronze sharpie.

I might try a paint marker next, as it will take better.

I know this will wear off, but it’s still cool. It’s like a new trick. I grinded the sharpie. And then did a finger grind with the sharpie.

Went a little heavy here.

I will take better photos tomorrow.

it’s all good until your hands are black for a week.

Actually… I just used it for about 10 minutes. The bronze finish wore of in places, but it didn’t show on my hands. Perhaps black would on another color, but I can’t test that

It’s a very small amount that gets on the yoyo really.

In liu of the fact that the some finish wears off in 10 minutes, I am inclined to call this a new trick. A sharpie grind. I might experiment more with it in that way. Could be a cool idea… if you get over the mess…

it looks a lot like one of the square wheels finishes… quite possible they used a similar dye technique on those.

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Like, using ano stripper while spinning the yoyo?
Honestly that’s a good idea, though maybe the yoyo isn’t supposed to spin fast otherwise it will splatter everywhere.

Looks pretty cool.