Time for new response pads?

So I’ve been throwing for around 6 months. First yoyo I bought was a too hot. It was the only yoyo I had for a couple of months. I played everyday anywhere from 10 minutes to a couple hours. I’d say average a day was an hour. After the few months I’ve gathered a good amount of yoyos and had neglected the too hot, rarely touching it. But I picked it up last night and it is very difficult to bind with. Just doesnt want to catch. I’m not doing anything wrong it just feels like the pads may be worn. Is it possible the pads are ready to be replaced or is that too soon for how much time has been put on them?

Sounds like you need to replace the pads.

Wow. So pads can wear out that quickly? I didn’t think I put that much wear in them. Okay. Good thing I have a spare pair of pads. Thanks

I used to rely on Duncan friction stickers… super thankful for silicone pads lol

Couple of months is really good, you may need to worry if it wears out only after two weeks or so.