Are flip flops shoes?

I believe that flip flops are shoes as evidenced by both and Wikipedia.


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I LOVE me some FlipFlops but they are not shoes in my opinion… But they sure are comfy on a warm day :wink:

plural noun: shoes

  -  a covering for the foot, typically made of leather, with a sturdy sole and not reaching above the ankle.
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I hate flip flops! The only place flip flops should be worn is the pool or the gym locker room. I apologize to all of you that love them. I know there’s a lot of you crazies out there.

No, they are definitely not shoes.


Of course. When I lived in Hawaii it was that or barefoot.

you put them on your feet theyre shoes

I put socks on my feet. Are socks shoes? :slight_smile:


theyre socks not shoes are you stupid


omg truuuuue

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Those are some cheeky and flashy signatures. Lol.


you people really know how to argue

Wow… Was not expecting a debate like this when I walked into this thread…(see what I did there)

Flip flops are footwear. Shoes are also footwear. With that said; flip flops are not shoes. Nor are shoes flip flops.

Saying it so absolute when ur wrong. ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

i created the flip flop. I would know.

Buddy my dad works at flip flop.

thats funny cause my name is flip flop.

On a side note, is that palm tiger in your sig?

r these shoes

Those are my religion!

Down here, we call flip flops “sneakers”