Any YYF Velocity experts out there?

Regarding slow bind. You may have to do a stronger throw. The speed comes from the wrist flip, not the arm. Or as mentioned, if the yoyo is not in the string plane that will slow it down a lot.

Re: Trapeze. Keep the non-throw hand close to the yoyo so your loop is smaller. If you’re missing the string then that may also point to a string plane issue. Adjust your throw hand so the string stays in the same plane.

Re: Angled after throw. The yoyo will spin in whatever position it’s in when it leaves your hand. If you’re turning your hand over too soon (before the yoyo leaves your hand) or if your hand is rotated at all when releasing the yoyo it will immediately lean. Try this: Set it to Pro so it won’t respond. Then do a throw and keep your throw hand palm up. If you’re throwing flat then the string should be hanging off of the tip of your middle finger. If the string is popping off then you may be turning your hand on the release.

Re: Spin dying off. I’ve had 2 Velocity yoyos and they benefit from a single drop of thin lube. Also, that whole string plane issue will kill it for you as well.