Kids of this generation are losing out!

We’re not referring to you specifically. We are simply discussing the vast swabs of children growing up today that don’t know much about modern yoyoing.

I guess it depends on the city. I’ve traveled through much of the southwest, southeast, and a bit in the Midwest. I have only found yoyos in sporting goods stores once in Santa Fe, NM. It was at a Big 5. They had a Duncan Flying Panda.

At Toys R Us Duncan and Yomega rain supreme. However their yoyos are rarely brought up when discussing the best starter plastics. I’d love to walk into a toy store and see a Classic or Replay Pro. Dragonflies and Fireballs are a bit outdated.

It would also to get Walmart back in the game. I remember picking up a Mosquito from there when I was 12. I loved it. Now when I walk through all I see are Imperials and Butterflies.

This isn’t to say those yoyos don’t have a place in our hobby. They just don’t allow children to explore the possibilities of ball bearing string play.