Amplified Return Tops Shout: A High Speed YoYo Review

I think I can add to this conversation, since I wrote this review. :slight_smile:

Many have said I loath, despise, absolutely cannot stand string centering, grooved, non-flat bearings. I will just say I am not a fan of them. :slight_smile: The key word in that statement is “I”. Bearings, string, and response pads are all personal preference. While I am not a fan of those types of bearings that is just my personal preference just as my reviews are just my one opinion on the subject. While I have no problem voicing my opinion I always recommend people getting a second, third, and fourth opinion as well and when it comes to those personal preference things, I HIGHLY recommend you try them out for yourself and build your own preferences. If you only listen to others you will never know what you truly like and dislike. :slight_smile: