Most underrated and overrated yoyos.

for my experience

  • Sleipnir (good yoyo, but many others YYR are better)
  • Draupnir (great yoyo but not as they say)
  • Chief (never managed to replace my Avalanche)
  • Sovereign (heavy and slow, because the extreme weights distribution is wrong )


  • Tyy-01 (impressive, light, fast, precise … only the Ti-Walker precedes it)
  • Bully (nothing to envy to a Peak… I said everything.)
  • Z-on (bought by accident, still it amazes me today, for each throw)
  • Phenom (worthy of the name he bears, among the best bi-metal ever made)
  • Turntable (the weight distribution of this yoyo should do school!)
  • Start the Riot (big yoyo, I prefer it at the more his famous cousin Draupnir)