How many yoyos do you have?

There’s nothing hipster about it, I really can’t see why any one cares, even though the OP obviously does. Not saying s/he’s not allowed to care, or wrong to care, or anything, but I can’t imagine why s/he would. This thread is essentially guaranteed to be a list of random numbers. Some big, some small, all of them fairly meaningless, even in context, unless you’re doing random sampling to come up with an median response # for average forum goers. And even then, who cares? I mean, at least ‘show me your yoyo collection’ has some aesthetic value, and might spark something interesting, if not about the collection, then storage method inspiration, or whatever. ‘What’s your favorite yoyo and why’ is also going to just generate a list of yoyos, albeit with mostly subjective responses. At least its a list of yoyos instead a list of numbers.

I know that comes off as cranky, or raining on a parade, or your favorite band sucks etc, but I just don’t see the value at all. Might as well just get a lottery number ball tumbler thing and pull them out going ‘Huh, 12, I bet someone has that number of yoyos’. spin tumblerlook at ball* ‘huh, 28, I bet someone has that number of yoyos’ spin tumblerlook at ball* repeat ad absurdum.

Maybe if someone didn’t have any it might turn into a conversation. Why are you on a yoyo forum if you don’t have any? Are you looking to get into it? Did you have some, but your house burned down? Holy **** thats terrible! Can I send you one of mine that I’m not using?? But otherwise it just seems like

I have some yoyos

I also have some yoyos

I have yoyos as well

Which, that above hypothetical aside, I think I can take as a given, considering the sample population.

And you wonder why more pro’s don’t engage online forums?

Sorry for being a jerk.

Oh, and ~27 or there abouts.