Thanks for the review. It was short but I like the nice photos! I have some questions though…

Could you elaborate on what makes the Next Level bad for it’s price? I was interested in getting a Next Level since I really like my Phenom and I wanted to have an idea of how YYJ’s modern bi-metal stacks up with the other bi-metals. Also, I think plastic caps are cool.

I understand that ‘smoothness’ varies from yo-yo to yo-yo but is there any actual truth to that statement? I’m not saying that it’s not true. I’m just curious on the validity of that statement.

Also, to go on tangent (that isn’t directed towards anyone in particular but I’d love to hear any inputs): What exactly is an H-shape nowadays? I look at the Space Cowboy and I just don’t see how it counts as an H-shape. Back when it was just the HSpin Envy (and other less extreme examples like the OG Superstar, Grime Machine 2 etc) it was easy to tell what’s an H-shape but if yo-yos like the Space Cowboy and Gradient is considered an H-shape that I guess I just don’t know what an H-shape is nowadays.

Again, thanks for the review!