Talk me down from YYR Sputnik ledge

You seem to exist in a planetary orbit outside the Earths’ gravitational pull.

Jealousy, envy? Unfounded opinion existing only in your jaded mind.

And besides Yoyordy simply stating an old ‘phrase’ - ‘love it or hate it’; which is more figurative than literal, who said they actually Hate the Draupnir?

And if indeed a person for some odd reason actually is jealous or envious of another with a Draupnir, why would Hate be the emotion utilized to dismiss a Yoyos’ validity?

“People that say bad things about the Draupnir envy those who have one”? < so you arbitrarily conclude that anybody saying un-positive things about the Draupnir ‘doesn’t have one’? How do you know this?

“Manufacturers that have nothing to compete with the Draupnir; say it’s overrated”? < can you specifically name ‘Manufacturers that have stated the Draupnir is overrated’?

…on a personal note, I have no problems whatsoever with the Pricepoint of the Draupnir. It is a very good value when compared to others in that price range. I think the Raw Draups with the slightly smaller gaps, fall short in performance when compared to the newer ano’d models with the wider gaps. But that is just my opinion.

My post specifically addressed my view of the Raw Draupnir. Which should have be very obvious by the text that followed the first statement in the post. I made no mention of any other Draupnir released in the series.

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