can't bind with wide bearing

No… if you’ve done a front trick and then a front bind, you’re still doing it right. :wink:

Are you pinching the string when you bind? Assuming you’ve done a front throw, get into the bottom mount (TH closest to body, Non-TH holding the loop on the front side of the yoyo’s gap). Pinch the loop with the NTH forefinger and thumb. The entire loop is between your finger tips at that point (it’s not “around” your forefinger anymore). Make sure your pinch is nice and light-- just enough to hold the loop in place. Start pulling the TH up and back a bit. You can go as slow as you want (better than going too fast!). Do not let go of the pinch until bind happens.

Assuming you’re in at least a bit of a “V” shape (not totally straight up and down), you have to be TRYING to hit yourself in the NTH. More likely when the bind hits, it will pull the loop out of your pinch and the yoyo will go towards your TH for the catch.

No matter how many times I tell newcomers “don’t let go of your pinch until the bind actually happens… it’ll just pull the yoyo out from between your fingers!” people still drop the loop. Do not let go of that pinch!

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