Does anyone use Fountain Pens?

Yeah people seem to love or hate the safari grip. I’m ok with it but that’s really the only complaint on them I’ve ever read. I like a larger pen myself having larger hands.

I’ve got several Ahab’s and even done some ‘angel wing’ modifications on some nibs. It gives a much easier flex for the nib but you really need to open up vents and carve out the center on the feed to keep it flowing well. Pretty simple with a file or dremel tool. Just take your time since Noodler’s doesn’t sale nibs alone. Here’s a link if you’re interested… Noodler´s Ahab - Ease My Flex Mod - Fountain Pen Reviews - The Fountain Pen Network

The restoration takes a little time but it’s worth it when you bring something 70 to 100 years old back to a fine looking and working condition and it writes great.

I’m the same way with ink. Always looking for that spectacular well performing color! Have you tried Majestic Blue by Diamine? It has a nice red sheen in the blue in the right light. Nice ink properties too.