What Yoyo did Vashek use?

So I was looking at Vasheks 2014 worlds performance, and I really liked it. I was just wondering, what yoyo did he use? What do you think is the best yyf competition throw?


looks just like a regular czm8

YYF CZM8, looks really cool in person. It plays great

Wow. His tricks were sooo cool. I’m surprised he didn’t use a nicer yoyo

You shouldn’t be surprised :wink: Checkmates can handle a lot.

Worlds finals:

Gentry - shutter
Paul - Horizon
Vashek - czm8
Mateuz - czm8

Affordable > high end? Maybe.


No need to be that humble. But as you didnt explicitly name any of such ‘affordable’ i guess ts fine…

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