YoYoFactory - Made in USA

Mikes does have a bit of a point though. If you are going to make a product representing a country it should probably be made 100% in that country to bring out the nationalistic pride. I know I get angry when I see American Flags with “Made in China” or “Made in Taiwan” on the little wooden handle. I would expect that if Weird were to make a “Made in Australia” yo-yo that it would be made in Australia, the same with C3 and a Chinese themed yo-yo. Anything less makes people feel like the company in question is trying to capitalize on the name of the country without actually putting all the manufacturing dollars into it… case in point, Mikers’ comments. From your previous comments, it sounds like you want don’t want to be that company so for future runs you may consider reserving USA themed yo-yos for when you have the means to machine them in house, in Arizona.